previous J-TED talks
At our April 2016 J-TED night
Robert Rinder, a criminal barrister, star of ITV’s premier show ‘Judge Rinder’.
Judge Robert Rinder, a criminal barrister, who stars on ITV’s premier show ‘Judge Rinder’ - a reality TV court show (similar to Judge Judy in the US). For anyone who has not seen his show, Rob is an amazing TV personality and brings his wit and judgement to decide on a variety of legal cases including disputes over consumer issues and business, personal, neighbourhood disputes! The show is very entertaining and informative. Rob will speak to us about his career, Jewish identity and how he deals with being a recognisable face in the UK!
At our Feb 2016 J-TED night
Michal Banai - actress
Improvisational theatre is a form of theatre where most or all of what is performed is created at the moment it is performed. In its purest form, the dialogue, action, story, and characters are created collaboratively by the players on the spot without use of an already prepared, written script.
When it's good, it seems like magic. As an actress performing mainly in Improvised comedy I have been dealing on a daily basis for the past decay with the question of why it is so hard for us to “improvise” on our day to day life? Why is it so hard for us to just say what’s on our mind, why do we get “stuck” when we’re put on the spot and why can’t we just be ourselves without judging everything we want to say before it comes out of our mouth?
In her talk Michal will present a few improvisation rules, that if you stick to in real life you might find communication and creativity come much easier than usual.
Jeremy Langford - Glass Artist and Sculptor
Jan 2016
An evening on Art, Spirit and life BEFORE death.
Jeremy Langford (Born London, England, 1956) is a British/Israeli glass sculptor and designer. He is the son of British/Israel television director and producer Barry Langford. Major works of his include monumental glass installations at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the ancient tomb of the Matriarch Rachel in Bethlehem, three massive sculptures for the Trump International Towers at Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, and the new Waldorf Astoria hotel in Jerusalem.
Langford is also trained in Classical Homeopathy, natural medicine and is an expert on the use of sound in order to facilitate changed and beneficial states of consciousness. The main tool he uses to study and experience higher states of consciousness is the isolation tank (floatation tank). He has been known to do extended float sessions in order to tap into his own creativity.
At our Dec 2015 J-TED night
Ray O'brien - about his talk:
Mid week I had a voice in me saying to me 'Raymond, you are going to die' . The following Sunday I had my first Near Death Experience (NDE) in the back of an ambulance and an ER room, not once but in total ten times in the space of an hour.
I recovered from the cardiac arrests ,but I realized I came back from the other side with more than I had left with.
I was at the Cardiac Rehab Center for a check up and was asked about that night by one of the Cardiac Sisters ,I told her I came back with a tool of 'seeing' , 'what is this tool and what do you see' she asked , 'I see cancer sometimes' I replied. 'Do I have cancer Raymond?', she asked, I was stunned by this question because clearly I could 'see it' it in her, 'yes you do' I replied.
From this moment I was asked did I want to work on the chemo-unit here to help those who have a fear of death, it was on this chemo-unit that realized what I needed to do in life. The interview for the post of Healer was very interesting to say the least!.
The learning continued as people got to know about me, I was getting very busy at the hospital ,those who were there that night of my death in the ER room would tell me about what had happened, some of the events were and I quote 'bizarre' .The life changes these experiences have brought to me are incredible, almost to a point of self actualization and I shall go into much much more detail at the talk.
Dr John Butler
When Hypnosis and Neuroscience meet!
By Dr John Butler, Neuroanatomy, neurosurgery, neuroscience and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is an intriguing phenomenon that is only partially understood. An object of fascination for some, it is an object of fear, or at least, suspicion for others and seriously misunderstood by a great many people.
In this lecture, Dr John Butler will give an overview of the scientific knowledge of hypnosis and brain activity, the main clinical applications of hypnosis and explain, in non-technical language, how to use hypnosis to improve your intellectual, emotional, social and business life. Practical demonstrations of self-help applications will be given.
WATCH: Dr. John Butler
Dr Butler's clinical work was first filmed over 20 years ago and since then has been reported many times in the media, including a major BBC television series, “Mysteries”, in 1997 and Channel 4’s breakthrough live broadcast with John Butler using hypnosis as a sole anaesthetic while surgery was performed on a patient in April 2006 (“HypnoSurgery Live”, More 4 / Channel 4 TV).
He has made more than 30 television appearances as an expert in hypnotherapy with several programmes focused on his use of hypnotherapy as an anaesthetic for chronic pain and in invasive surgeries.
Tuvia Tenenbom
Catch the Jew! Tuvia Tenenbom: JTNY's artistic director, journalist, international bestselling author
Catch the Jew! recounts the adventures of Tuvia Tenenbom, who wanders around Israel of our time calling himself “Tobi the German.” In the course of numerous interviews Tuvia extracts information, sentiments, hidden theories and delusional visions motivating the miscellany of peoples forming the present-day Holy Land.
Eli Seliger, Rachel Langford
Speaker 1: Eli Seliger, Zichron Menachem
Eli, the director of The British Friends of Zichron Menachem will be presenting to us one of the largest medical charities in Israel - for children with cancer.
An inspiration for doing good in the world and making a change, this charity is coming to London, and this is the time to learn more about reaching out and doing a mitzvah.
Speaker 2: What are your hands (and specifically your fingers) telling others about you?
Rachel Langford, Neuroscientist
In this talk we will explore our hormonal personality type, and the way hormones we were exposed to in the womb shape our perception, choice of partners and personality.
You will have the chance to find out your hormonal personality type and understand how this is reflected in your hands! Rachel is also going to present the results of a private research she run in Israel among 4000 people with regards to Israeli mentality of choosing a mate and hormonal personality types.

Jonathan Gan
From Startup Nation to Great Britain
Jonathan Gan, founder of the award winning Whichit platform
Jonathan will share with us his entrepreneurial story. Starting his startup in Tel-Aviv, relocate to London and growth the company in the UK and the global markets.
In his talk, Jonathan will give us a pick on his global entrepreneurship journey. From idea to full execution, the challenges, the successes, the failures and the unique experience.
WHICHIT is an interactive content platform that enables publishers and marketers to increase user engagement, open new revenue streams & gain user-related insight. The company has a unique technology that profiles users based on their preferences and uses machine learning to provides bespoke commercial incentives in real time.
After winning the UKTI's Sirius Programme, Whichit relocated from Tel-Aviv Israel to London en 2014. In 2015 Whichit won 'Start-up of the Year EMEA' by Facebook, the Innovate UK R&D funding award and the People's Choice Award at Pitch@Palace by the Duke of York.

Jonny Benjamin
Jonny Benjamin (born 1987) is a British mental health campaigner, author and vlogger. In January 2014 he launched a social media campaign called Find 'Mike' to search for the stranger who talked him out of taking his own life in 2008. The purpose of the campaign was to raise awareness of suicide and mental illness. It went viral and received global media attention. Within just two weeks Jonny found the stranger he was looking for, Neil Laybourn. The story of the campaign was made into a documentary film that was released in May 2014.

Dr Eyal Kazin
When astronomers discuss The Big Bang Theory, they are referring to our ever expanding Universe. Why should we take their claims seriously? The main reason is that many concepts of the theory have been predicted and confirmed by solid observations. I will briefly review the early history of modern cosmology, focusing on why great sceptic minds like Einstein were eventually convinced of this crazy idea.